
Teeth Grinding & TMD Jaw Pain

Teeth grinding is called Bruxism, which is a habit that commonly occurs with most people at some point in their lives. Many people also clench their jaw. Grinding or clenching actions usually occur during a person’s sleeping hours, but occasionally they occur during the day, especially in stressful situations.

Bruxism is actually one of the most common known sleep disorders. Chewing is a motor movement you usually don’t have to think too hard about (meaning it’s subconscious). During sleep, this subconscious process can move your mouth without you knowing it (because you’re asleep), resulting in the grinding or clenching.

Bruxism may cause the following symptoms:

Gum Recession 
Bruxism is a leading cause of gum recession and tooth loss. Grinding teeth can also damage the soft tissue directly and deep pocket area where bacteria is able to form and decay the supporting bone.

Facial Pain 
Grinding can eventually shorten and blunt the teeth. This can lead to muscle pain in the myofascial region and, in severe cases, may cause chronic headaches.

Occlusal Trauma 
The abnormal wear patterns on the occlusal (chewing) surfaces of the teeth can lead to fractures, which if left untreated, may require restorative treatment.

As an effort to maintain optimal oral health, NC Prosthodontic Specialists have the experience, skills and knowledge to uniquely combine science and artistry that can literally redesign the way a person’s teeth come together (called their occlusal bite). This can change your quality of life by creating a smile that is both healthier as well as capable of projecting an image of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for bruxism.  However, once the person’s teeth have been corrected, a customized mouth guard is fabricated that can be worn while sleeping or working (whenever necessary) to protect the newly designed teeth. 

Schedule a consultation

Come into our office to discuss if Teeth Grinding & TMD Jaw Pain is the right treatment for your unique situation.